Monday, December 27, 2010

george benson - Take Five 1976 Montreux 1986

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Forex Margin Call Boss

Hello everyone,

It is a pleasure to be here. I believe that trading the spot FX market is one of the most exciting and wonderful thing that has ever been.

Before I go any further let me start by sharing some of my successful trading secret with you all.

Please Note! I am not trying to step anybody's toe. but, rather i believe that there are some trader but professionals and newbies alike at some point in time has had a Red account in the spot market. hmm.... it's not a good feeling when you get a marging call.

I have spent years trying to trade the fx Market successful in the past. I have had series of unsuccesful trade where i lost virtually everything, I mean everything to Zero i have ever worked for. " Hard earn money"

Like a famus musician will say "you don't wanna go down there"

That was what made me to go into more research in other to get a successful trading technique that wins 89% percent of the trade at all time. these technique is what I want to share with you.

I call it The Margin Call Boss.

The Margin Call Boss Is a well observered technical Technique developed to help trader who at some point had bad trading experience in the past and it also works well for profs.

Our Strategy:

Margin Call Boss Uses a sound Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis Couple with some carefully studied Indicators. e.g MACD, Fib Retracement, CCI.

Note! i Will be posting some free signals in regards to.


For more Info Skype ID: jtsfxbtrade


Best Regards